Rada SF1 620 Shower, Middle Fix (MF) Tbar Grab Rail & Rada Sense

Shower set configuration – incorporates a hand held shower and 1.5 m smooth hose with Middle Fix (MF) Tbar grab rail, friction slide, elbow and Rada Sense Shower Mixer for Accessible showers and bathrooms

  • Single mode spray plate, designed to minimise stagnant water
  • Nozzle mat made from high quality silicone, detachable for cleaning, descaling and disinfection
  • Easy one-handed height adjustment of shower with chrome plated brass friction slide
  • Wall outlet elbow incorporates a dual check/non-return valve to prevent back flow
  • Heavy duty 32mm diameter 900mm 304 SS grab rail with 50mm diameter hygienic flanges
  • Must be installed to comply with regulations including AS 1428.1-2009 for accessible showers and withstand forces of 1100N and forces of the end users
  • WELS 3 stars, 8.0 L/min. WaterMark AS/NZS 3662 (shower), AS/NZS 2845.1 (dual check valve). Complies with AS 1428.1-2009 when installed as per the Standard
  • Includes Rada Sense Shower Mixer  for no touch on/off and temperature adjustment


  • Accessible showers and bathrooms
  • Hospitals and health care facilities
  • Aged care facilities & nursing homes
  • Schools, universities and child care centres
  • Sport & leisure centres



Specify as Follows

Rada SF1 620 Hand Held Shower and 1.5 m Hose for accessible showers, Middle Fix (MF) Tbar Grab Rail & Hygienic Flange, Friction Slide and Elbow & Rada Sense Shower Mixer. Single mode handheld shower and detachable spray plate, silicone nozzle mat. Must be installed to comply with regulations including AS 1428.1-2009 and withstand forces of 1100N and forces of the end users. WELS 3 stars, 8.0 L/min. WaterMark AS/NZS 3662 (shower), AS/NZS 3718 (mixer), AS/NZS 2845.1 (dual check valve). Complies with AS 1428.1-2009 when installed as per this Standard.